суббота, 5 октября 2019 г.



3 комментария:

  1. Already got deleted from r/LessWrong:

    What to do next

    Imagine that you can compare any person to a fictional character or to another (famous) person (or that you can compare people from different communities), what then? I see people around me as heroes, anybody I see on the tele- or computer screen I can "meet" in real life

    I had them, for example "my" Gandalf. "My" Einstein. Or better to say I "witnessed" them. I witnessed Lady Bug and (maybe) Cat Noir...

    ... (before and after:)

    I went to solitude and was developing one game changing ideology that went even beyond argumentation... I thought either my Friends are evolving with me or those ideas will launch the domino effect

    I thought I am and my friends were Heroes and the Story goes to big climax anywise. But there was no climax... just a slack. I adopted a conspiracy theory to keep believing in all of that (maybe some already know these ideas, but are still silent)

    Laws of Physical universe or power of Friendship, wich thing is more likely broken? My sanest bet is on the first thing, I am agnostic and don't jump to the conclusions... I won't be surprised by anything

    Because who would choose THAT course of events? Such an attitude?

    This conspiracy may include one musical group whose song themes are sometimes too close to ideas, themes about change of the world or unknown secret people or infinities or disputes and sayings...

    I found that I was not respected, community was empty again, two new users, I "lost" one old user and one new while I was swearing at community for this attitude towards me and the loss of some other members. I regained two my real friends and lost one of them again but regained again (from him I know about that malicious fanfic) he is temporarily in the army now. But I found love...

    Two of my comrades and one of my real friends are silent "for ages". Last time 22 days ago I talked to one of the Heroes I wanted to convince at least to start a blog (as a competing world-changing ideology), was asked to give a link to rationality and then silence and my message with that link is not read... (another Hero left my message not read from 25 Feburary)

    I am playing chess at local "club", trying to remember games. Also I began to make images of those games. Every game has imprint of players who played it

    I see people who play like Fischer/ Tal/ Alekhine... (but not so strong for some unimportant reason)

    So many days and emotional peaks have passed. Such a soul tease, my soul is so blue right now...

    I can't guarantee the protection of anyone’s or my own life (not getting anybody power for that)

    I found that in spite of the free Internet you must have an incredible amount of social loans to discuss ideas (What to do?)

    Will ageless Love win? Lift me up and be surprised. Help me, my ideas is not so hard to grasp

    My ideas are about argumentation and values and classification and making theories, I will post them soon if you want or I won't get banned, in the last case keep an eye on that blog, I will post my ideas there in that case:


    But I can write a little bit about what I will write here ("Overcoming rationality. Final")

    Also that is why I don't like even friendly AI developing.

    I read Little Prince. Little Prince + AI — instruction how to make the worst crime against humanity, devalue every piece of every soul.

  2. Overcoming rationality. Final

    My first piece already got deleted by some Time force. So ok, let's get to the bad cop technique right away: (btw, link to my blog were you can see deleted pieces)


    Hi, I am u/Smack-works —

    My only goal is to defend my friends. I defy laws of physics and logic. I think rationalists made a bad decision right from the start of the game. This is simple truth, but it is not less true then any "explnations" below. If you understand that, my text was super-successful —

    No one should use knowledge to rise above another person

    I want to give everybody a tool of self defense against scientism and any other shenanigans

    My points are about things that are valuable by themself, about things that create themself, about choice and will and belief. Instead of denial and answering typical questions 'Is forgetting good or bad? Was there a choice when creating the universe? Is there a more intelligent consciousness?' I just say what all those things are, try to translate those ideas to you

    I give my model of agrumentation and intellegence and universe and biology and problems of rationality. This text will argue by 1) showing problems with R's rethorics 2) reminding about already voiced objections 3) slowly rendering rationality null by showing just how many MORE things there are (MORE of Everything)

    I think infants should learn how to dissect such ideas as nazism and rationality before learning how to walk, let's go:

    *Statistics is like trying to hack a layer of reality. Trying to get in the right "blob" (black ravens or even time distribution)*/

    From above you can derive rationality, if: add hypocrisy, add superficial knowledge, swap some things with bad (evolutionary?) theories about the mind, assume a lot (absolute reality, absolute propositions, absolute reward, absolute consequences). Rationality criticizes its own white spots: tells values can't be chosen which are chosen on practice. Cry that you've been "misunderstood" again and again, if you are Sam Harris, harden and harden technics, if you are Eliezer. Enhance your time-reversed simulated butthurt, already done all I had to

    Rationality can't win because it is reiterated evil (behaviorism), but there's always symmetry, so who said that good guys won't reiterate too? You can start to suspect that complications cannot outrun simple truths. To suspect that no "analytical philosopher" will patch R's problems. Suspect real reasons people choose rationality (why it is like any other fandom)... and even that you can't escape nor your self nor free will but only delve deeper into it and nothing is "easily dealt"

    You decide, revolution of mind and morals — or "infinities are blank, it is not brave, my opponents are annoying, you gave up on being smart" and bunch of other nonsense adjectives

    Now that you see that there's free choice — take it. You already wasted a *Lifetime*. Step out your profession to "extend" your will

    The final blow for rationality will be with my own example and 10 [Nobel] Prizes

    Call me now Nutboi. Nothing (Everything) to lose

    If you understood everything let's make a party of "infinitists". Rationality is a way down, not up

    I am going to assault every field of knowledge. Punisher of Math. Punisher of Physics.

    Pain vs. Konoha style... like Six Paths of Pain

    My program: (try to) revolutionize neural nets architecture and mechanics. Even NNs statistics! Biophysics. Physics: check for missed ideas or make physics easy to explain. (same for Math) Chess: there exist "player styles" that looks like colored light (see points 5 and 10)

    Contact people, maybe in particular: Scott Alexander (knows hypocrisy in "The noncentral fallacy"), nostalgebraist (thought about problems in statistics)


    test... wat the fuck?
